What's New - Saturday 5/18


Hi barb E, i think my keyboard is dying, anyway disregaurd my typing errors. i thought i posted earlier but yahoo must be doing some fishy. Anyway i got up around 930 and hubby was mowing the lawn and was pretty sweaty when he cam it. i told him to take a shower so we could go flea marketing. we went to a dud of a one in Venice Florida. i like the one by our house better, Then i talked him into taking me to the consignment shops. i hit 2 of them. i got a tommy bahama pant outfit for 17.00. then we went to sweet tomatoes for lunch then to walmart for groceries. 65.00 later i am home and resting. water weight is killing me. 15 pounds of it in a 4 day span. i dont know what is up with that. going to the doc on the 30 for it. cant seem to get an appnt earlier. i think i am going to up the water pills for a few days to see if it will come off. i feel it in my hands and my feet. My clothes are fitting fine. go figure. i work tomorrow from 11 to 5. so all is well for now. carla